シーシャ / 水パイプ / 水タバコの用意の仕方
Spread the tobacco from each other(look picture 001). As it comes stocked. Check the P002 and see the same amount of tobacco after spreading it.
, シーシャフレーバの葉を指で揉み解します。 2 の写真で揉み解す前と後の量の変化を見てください。一度に使うタバコの量は、使うパイプによって違いますが、トルコやシリア製のものは大体 50 グラムの箱で1 /4 ~ 1/6 、イラン製のものは 1/2~1/3 ほどが目安です。ヘッドの大きさによります。 1.
2. drop the tobacco into the bowl and don't press it just as the P003 to let the air come easier through it.
3. be sure that the tobacco has same amounts all around the bowl and there is no spaces or stocked tobacco in one place.(P004)
4. The tobacco should be reaching the top but not going out of it as it should not be pressed by the foil later on.
5. Use special Foil for waterpipe to avoid fast burning of the tobacco which usually come in round or square shapes (contact me if you need to buy it).
leave the shinny side of the foil down and place the foil in the top with equal edges around the bowl.
Use one hand in round shape (look picture 006) to fix the foil an push it by 2 hands around the neck of the bowl( look 007).
Hold the bowl using one hand and use the other hand to press the foil around the bowl to be sure no air will enter through the edges of the foil.
7. use a sharp item to make wholes in the top of the foil and as much the wholes are small the tobacco will last longer.
針のようなもので大体 20~40 個の穴を開けます。穴は小さければ小さいほどシーシャフレーバーが長持ちします。
Try to put many wholes and in equal number to each side of the bowl surface.
-Making more wholes in one side more than other will cause burn of that side while the otherside will keep tobacco without burning and that will make your pipe taste bad fast.
Place the bowl over the pipe in this way and avoid pushing the foil surface in the top of the bowl.
I will explain soon how to prepare the charcoals and how to manage the smoking for better taste and long lasting.
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カフェレイラ 水タバコ・シーシャ&アラビアン料理 − 東京都武蔵野市吉祥寺南町2−13−4 ユニアス吉祥寺オフィスワンB102 , Tel. (042) 226-7957